Monday, May 20, 2013

Kinds Of Bugs In East Texas

There are thousands of ant species.

Thousands of species of ants exist worldwide. With the diverse ecosystems of the state of Texas, numerous ant species are common to the state. In the east of the state there are several ant species that are very common and have been known to be problematic. Some of these species have even been described as an infestation in the area.

Texas Leafcutter Ants

The Texas Leafcutter ant is a brown to dark brown-colored species, and can grow up to a 1/2 inch in length, with the queen being 3/4 of an inch. The worker ants leave the nest daily to collect plant materials. The plant matter is mulched down by the ants and is used to grow the fungus on which the species primarily feeds. The species is most commonly found in the southern, central and eastern parts of the state.

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are one of the most common ant species in Texas, with 14 different varieties found throughout the state. The largest species is the black carpenter ant, which can grow up to a 1/2 inch in length. They are completely black and, unlike other large ants, have a convex smooth top to the abdomen. Most of the carpenter ant species feed on anything sweet that the workers can find, including rotted fruit, small insects or the sweet honeydew produced by some aphid species.

Pyramid Ants

Pyramid ants are a small variety, growing up to 1/6 of an inch in length. They are a dark orange color and have easily identifiable nests resembling pyramid-like mounds. The ant has an unusual odor when crushed, described as rotting coconut. Native to Florida, the Pyramid ant is also found to the west in Mississippi, Louisiana and east Texas. The ant's main food sources are small insects and the honeydew secreted from aphids.

Red Imported Fire Ant

Red imported fire ants are a small, aggressive species that grow to just 3/16 of an inch in length. They are a dark crimson color and have powerful pincers that can deliver a painful bite. The species uses aggression and power in numbers to bring down much larger insects, such as caterpillars. They do also feed on plant matter, but primarily hunt insects. Disturbing a fire ant nest can be dangerous as they will defend it ferociously, attacking anything with great speed and aggression. In east Texas, there is an infestation of the species, which is considered a pest.

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