Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How Train My Boxer Dog To Search

Boxers can be successful hunters, when properly trained.

The gentle nature and flashy looks of the boxer have made them one of the most popular large dog breeds. According to the American Kennel Club, the boxer has ranked in the top 10 registered breeds for the last 10 years. Boxers were originally bred to hunt down and hold small game, and these instincts are still present in the breed today.


1. Fit the boxer with a collar and leash before you begin any training lesson. This allows you to keep control over the dog and reassures the dog that you are nearby. Boxers have thick necks in relation to the width of their heads, so make sure the collar is tight enough to keep it from sliding off over the dog's head.

2. Hold the pelt in your hand, adding a few drops of scent to the fur. Present the boxer with the scent, holding it in front of your boxer's nose so it can pick up the scent. Give the dog a command to hunt as it explores the pelt. Your boxer will learn to associate the command with the smell of game.

3. Tie your dog to a sturdy post and tease the dog with the pelt, repeating the hunt command. Shake the pelt in front of your dog, dragging it along the ground to entice your boxer. Boxers are a vocal breed and will bark and howl as they become excited. As soon as your boxer vocalizes, reward it with a treat.

4. Drag the scent in a straight line along the ground to lay a scent trail. Hide the scent behind an object, such as a trash can or tree, and let the dog loose, commanding it to hunt. Walk the dog along the scent trail slowly to prevent your boxer from wandering off course. When the boxer reaches the pelt, restrain your dog until your boxer barks. Repeat this process during each training session, extending the length of the track and hiding the skin in a variety of places until the dog can follow the trail on its own. Boxers are an agile breed and will jump over or climb under objects in the trail with ease.

5. Transport your boxer to an area with an active game population and walk with your dog until it picks up a scent. Your boxer will drop its nose to the ground and bark in anticipation, once it picks up a scent. Remove your dog's leash and give it the hunt command, following it and listening for the bark that indicates your dog as successfully found game.

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