Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Be A Guard Dog Trainer

Alsatians make effective guard dogs because of their intelligence and agility.

Guard dog training is a specialized branch of dog training and requires the trainer to have general dog training experience and specific guard dog experience as well as an understanding of the likely client requirements. Experience working with guardian breeds, such as Rottweilers and Alsatians, is advantageous. Establishing a professional career training guard dogs will require business skills, marketing skills and the requisite dog training experience.


1. Rottweilers are a popular choice for guarding because of their protective nature.

Learn the basic duties of a guard dog. Guard dogs are calm, obedient and capable of deterring and challenging an intruder on command. If you don't have your own dog, visit pounds and rescue centers and offer to volunteer as a dog walker. Contact with dogs is essential. Consider visiting a security company to see how it trains and looks after the dogs.

2. Most breeds can be used as guard dogs. Terriers are very alert and quick to respond.

Learn your role as trainer. You must command loyalty and respect from any dog you train. Reward good behavior and ignore unwanted behavior. Develop the skill to understand the client's requirements and deliver results accordingly. Regardless of your experience with dogs, client satisfaction will determine your overall success. Watch other dog trainers to see how they achieve this.

3. Get the right experience. Train your own dogs and assist established professional dog trainers with their dogs. Regardless of breed, any dog can be trained to be a guard dog. Begin by training dogs for basic obedience, rewarding them for doing what you want and ignoring them when they deviate from desired behavior. Gradually progress to teaching guarding techniques, such as rewarding them when they bark at visitors and rewarding when they stop on your command.

4. Gain the right qualifications. The Association of Pet Dog Trainers offers trainer accreditation for general obedience training and behavior correction. The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers issues standard accreditation that is useful when applying to work for other trainers. These qualifications, while not mandatory to operate as a guard dog trainer, will help when you are asked to demonstrate your credentials.

5. Set up your practice. Decide whether you'll train dogs at your own premises or visit clients. Establish a business address and distribute promotional material in person and online. Consider taking out advertising. To make a living out of training guard dogs, you'll need regular clients. Consider offering your services to organizations that have a high turnover of guard dogs, such as security companies. This approach can lead to repeat business.

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