Monday, April 15, 2013

Kennel Cold Signs and symptoms

Kennel colds are most common in dogs.

Kennel cough, also known as a kennel cold, is a highly contagious upper respiratory infection. It is often caused by stress from shipping or overcrowding. Left unchecked it can prove fatal for dogs, especially puppies. It can also spread to cats, rabbits and guinea pigs.


The dry, hacking cough that gives "kennel cough" its name is the most distinctive symptom to appear. Owners describe the noise as a "honking sound." Not to be confused with a reverse sneeze, which is a more extended series of sharp snuffling noises, a cough is sporadic and sharp.


For most cases of kennel cold, infected dogs do not show any changes in metabolism. They eat and sleep as much as a healthy dog. However, dogs and puppies with weakened immune systems may display symptoms such as fever, lethargy and a suppressed appetite.

Other Symptoms

Another symptom of a kennel cold includes a nasal discharge.

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