Monday, April 15, 2013

Pet Boarding Kennel Work

How Does a Pet Boarding Kennel Work?

For pet owners that find that they will need to travel without their beloved pet, a boarding kennel may be their only solution. This situation can be a great cause for concern to those who will have no choice but to leave the care of their pet up to a boarding facility, even if it for only a day. The bond that is formed between a pet and its owner can be tested during times of separation, and the need for a boarding facility to handle the situation with care is crucial. Finding a boarding kennel that a pet owner can feel comfortable with may take a bit of trial and error, but once a level of trust has been established between a boarding kennel and a pet owner, the relationship is usually permanent throughout the duration of the pet's life.

Take a Tour

For pet owners that do not understand the dynamics of a boarding kennel, or how such a facility works, deciding which one to trust their pet to may be a difficult task. But because boarding kennels pride themselves on efficiency and customer satisfaction, touring some facilities and seeing what goes on inside can help with the decision making process. Observing the boarding kennel employees and their interaction with other boarders can help pet owners feel more comfortable. And taking notice of how the boarded pets react to the employees themselves can also be indicative of the comfort level in inside.


For the most part, a boarding kennel operates much like a home away from home for pets. When the owner is unable to care for their pet due to travel or work circumstances, the boarding kennel takes over the role of caregiver. Providing meals to the pets according to the owner's instructions as well as walks and some human interaction is the basis of a boarding facilities structure. But what may come as a shock to some pet owners is the fact that their pet may be spending a large amount of their stay inside of a steel cage. This circumstance can lead to anxiety for both the pet owner, and the pet that is not accustomed to cage life. But once it is understood that this is a very necessary confinement in the kennel environment, the owner can rest assured that their pet's safety is of the utmost importance.

How it Works

The beginning stages of the kennel boarding experience can cause some anxiety issues for the pet. The missing owner is replaced with surrogate care givers with whom the pet is usually unfamiliar. But once a trust level has been achieved between boarders and employees the stay becomes less nerve racking for the animal. Workers employed by the boarding kennel check on the pet periodically throughout the day providing them with their daily comforts. Controlled walks are a large part of the boarding kennel experience, along with regular servings of food, snacks and water. If toys, bedding or other comfort items have been provided by the pet's owner, kennel employees will see to it that the animal is supplied with these items inside their enclosure.

Once the pet and owner have experienced what a boarding facility has to offer, it becomes easier the next time around. Understanding that a boarding kennel is a safe and convenient alternative for pets in the absence of the owner helps to relieve the stress involved with the situation.

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