Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Brown Spots On The Dog'S Skin

Some dogs, like Dalmatians, have naturally dark-spotted skin.

While some dogs have dark spots on their skin naturally, just as we have freckles, it can also signal a health problem. There are many medical reasons dogs get dark spots, from mange to thyroid problems.


If the dog's skin was spotted at birth, this is normal pigmentation. Dalmatians and Australian cattle dogs are two of several breeds with naturally spotted skin, but even dogs without spotted coats can have dark spots, according to the American Kennel Club.


Skin problems are common in dogs and have myriad underlying causes. A puppy with dark spots, especially around its face, probably has demodectic mange and needs veterinary treatment.


If dark spots are accompanied by hair loss or itching, or are changing in size, take your dog to the veterinarian, who may need to do a skin scraping to make a diagnosis.


You may notice dark spots on your dog's belly or inner thighs because there is usually little fur there. Chances are it has dark spots elsewhere, but they're hard to see through the fur.

Breed-Specific Diseases

Some breeds are susceptible to alopecia X, or "coat funk." Mostly found in Northern breeds,such as Malamutes, Samoyeds and Pomeranians, coat funk causes hair loss and skin darkening.

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