Friday, March 21, 2014

Be A Licensed Dog Trainer In Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

Certified dog trainers in Pittsburgh provide expert training in behavior modification and good canine citizen skills.

Completing the certification process gives dog trainers additional verification of skill, knowledge and experience in the handling and behavior modification of dogs. For dog trainers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the process of gaining certification begins with a good comfort level with dogs, adequate training and on the job training. Certification also typically entails completion of a formal training program and application for certification from a national certifying organization. Pittsburgh's animal welfare organizations, local veterinarians and dog clubs can provide some of the basic exposure to dogs required to begin this career pursuit.


1. Establish a comfort level with dog handling. As a dog trainer, you will be working with a board variety of dogs of different sizes and temperaments. Become familiar with interacting with dogs by volunteering with a local animal welfare organization that trains applicants and provides dog-related duties that can give you hands-on experience. The Western Pennsylvania Humane Society accepts volunteers and provides an orientation to assist volunteers in understanding the basics of animal behavior.

2. Join a local dog training club. If you are a pet owner, consider joining a local dog training club to gain insight on the training process as a participant. The Golden Triangle Obedience Training Club located in Western Pennsylvania offers ongoing training in puppy obedience through advanced agility and command training. Classes range from beginner through advanced novice levels. Visit the website for membership and training information.

3. Learn about the requirements for operating your business. If you are considering running your own dog training business, or even if you plan to affiliate with a larger training organization, you can benefit from a general understanding of business operation, including operating expenses and permits. Consult the Pittsburgh office of the Small Business Administration to learn the basics of starting your own business.

4. Obtain training as a dog trainer. Formal instruction on topics such as breed identification and temperament, animal psychology and physiology, animal safety and command instruction are provided in most training programs. There is also a hands-on training requirement that can be fulfilled at a designated training facility affiliated with the training organization. Consider national training programs such as the Animal Behavior College, or Penn Foster Career School's Dog Obedience Training Program. Both programs provide online instruction to start, with localized hands-on training provided at several locations.

5. Gain professional experience. Training organizations often offer placement assistance with dog training jobs upon program completion. Consult your training program for assistance in finding employment through their professional affiliations with pet stores, veterinarian offices or dog clubs. If no placement assistance is provided, you may seek employment through national pet store chains or veterinarian offices. You can also consult with a local dog club or animal welfare organization for advice.

6. Apply for national dog training certification. Certifying organizations such as the National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors (NADOI) and the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) require dog trainers to meet specific professional experience requirements along with education in obedience training. The CCPDT also requires applicants pass a written examination. Check with your training organization to determine if they have a direct affiliation with a specific certifying organization. Alternatively, review the professional and education requirements for both organizations and determine the organization best suited to your background and needs.

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