Thursday, March 13, 2014

House Train A Pitbull Dog

House Train
a Pitbull Dog

Pit bulls are by far one of the most misunderstood dog breeds. They are often seen as vicious killers, when in reality the breed's overall nature is very sweet and gentle. Pit bulls are a highly intelligent breed and take to training quickly, learning even the most complex skills with ease. Housebreaking your pit bull might seem like a daunting task, but with praise and persistence, your pit bull will be a welcome indoor family member.


1. Designate an area of your yard as a potty spot. It is much easier for your pit bull to associate the concept of housebreaking when they can potty in one area every time. Be sure the space is quiet and free of junk or debris to give your dog plenty of space.

2. Feed your dog on a set schedule. The more regular your dog's feeding routine is, the easier it is to determine when he will have to go potty. Pit bulls thrive on structure, and a normal daily routine will give your dog a head start on housebreaking.

3. Take your dog to the outside potty area upon waking and after meals. These are the times when she will have to go the most and will give you a good opportunity to encourage her to go.

4. Give your dog the command to potty. This command can be something as simple as "potty," although the actual word does not matter as much as the consistent use of the command. Use a higher-pitched, happy tone of voice when asking your dog to potty, as a strong, harsh tone can discourage a sensitive breed such as the pit bull.

5. Stand quietly and allow your dog time to use the potty area. It may take a few minutes for your dog to get the idea that the potty area means you want her to potty there, so don't rush her. Do not play with her or pet her while waiting, as this could prevent her from going.

6. Praise your dog thoroughly once she goes. A favorite treat and a few kind words work wonders for pit bulls, as they are extremely eager to please. Pet her and let her know she did well by following your command to potty.

7. Watch your dog vigilantly and take her potty often. As your dog grows, she will be able to wait longer in between potty breaks, but waiting too long can cause her to have an accident. Plenty of attention, praise and persistence will show your pit bull that she is doing well and will get her housebroken in no time.

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