Thursday, March 27, 2014

Have A Dog From An Aboveground Pool

Dog pool safety requires patience and consistency on the owner's part.

Keeping a dog away from an aboveground pool is a key consideration in pool safety. There is a misconception that all dogs naturally know swim. Even dogs that know swim or have had previous pool training can have difficulty escaping the water. While pool safety is a concern to pet owners, the risk of ruining the pool liner due to the dog's sharp nails is another reason to keep pets away from the pool. By being aware of the poolside environment and installing safety devices, dog owners can confidently keep their pet and swimming pool a safe area.


1. Never leave a dog unattended around a swimming pool. Keep the pool covered with a tied-down tarp or pool cover when not in use. Remove any poolside ladders, slides, tables or other surfaces the dog could use to gain access to the pool.

2. Keep outdoor dogs in a secure area away from the pool. Tie the dog up to a chain or dog run. If the dog is allowed to roam freely in the yard, keep it from entering the pool area with a fence or large dog kennel.

3. Provide the dog with cool fresh water when outdoors. Providing the dog with a source of drinking water will prevent it from attempting to drink from the pool.

4. Train the dog to sit or lie down when near the swimming pool. Practice these commands to correspond with different triggers, such as splashing, pool toys flying or loud noises to teach the dog not to react to these types of distractions.

5. Avoid giving the dog mixed signals about using the pool. Do not allow the dog to swim in the pool one day and not another. Pets will not understand when they can or cannot swim in the pool and will do so if given the opportunity.

6. Install a pool alarm that will notify the owner if the water in the pool is disturbed. Choose a pool alarm made for the swimming pool itself or a dog collar alarm that will sound when submerged in water.

7. Attach door chimes or alarms to any door leading to the pool area. Installing a door sound system will alert the owner when a door is opened and the dog runs the risk of running outdoors.

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