Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Dogproof Fencing

Feel safe about leaving your dogs outdoors unattended when you dog-proof your fence.

Dogs may escape under, over and through various fence types to chase other animals, flee danger or get to food on the other side of the fence. Unfortunately, many dogs meet unfortunate fates once they escape. Prevent man's best friend from run-ins with other dogs, dangerous wild animals and vehicles by dog-proofing your fence and gates.


1. Repair holes in various fence material to prevent dogs from escaping through the fence. Repair any holes large enough for your dog to stick his head through; even if your dog cannot escape, he might get stuck and injure himself. Fix holes in wooden fences by replacing fence planks or cover holes in chain-link fence with new pieces of chain-link attached to the old fence with small sections of wire or zip ties.

2. Dig a trench measuring 1 to 2 feet deep against your property's fence line. Insert sections of chicken wire vertically into the trench to prevent dogs from digging under your fence. Attach the top of the wire to the base of the fence with construction staples or by wrapping pieces of wire around the chicken wire and chain link fence. Bend the bottom of the wire outwards away from your property. This prevents your dog from cutting his paws if he tries to dig under the fence.

3. Dig 6 inch deep trenches directly underneath all fence gates. Pour concrete into the trenches to create solid pads your dog cannot dig through to escape your property. The concrete pads will not interfere with the gate's operation like chicken wire.

4. Remove items in your yard that your dog may be using to jump over the fence. Avoid placing dog houses and other short structures next to fences; dogs will use such structures to climb or jump fences.

5. Build new fences to measure at least 6 feet tall to keep most dog breeds contained. Top chain-link fences with horizontal boards, wires or string to discourage your dog from climbing over the fence.

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