Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Distinction Between Male & Female Aggression

Males and females express aggression differently.

The word "aggression" comes from the Latin word for "attack." Both men and women express aggression and aim to hurt, but the attack takes different forms along predictable gender lines.

Sex Differences in Aggression

Men's expressions of aggression tend to be more direct and physical, while women tend toward indirect, non-physical or "relational" aggression. Think he-man bravado a la World Wrestling Entertainment's "Friday Night SmackDown" versus the 2004 film "Mean Girls."

Male Aggression

Male aggression tends to be more direct.

Words like "hotheaded," "impulsive" and "explosive" come to mind when describing male aggression. In "Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys," the authors, child psychologists Dan Kindlon, Ph.D., and Michael Thompson, Ph.D., refer to the "tyranny of toughness" in boy culture, where macho strength rules. Boys are more likely to react to frustration by pushing, hitting, yelling or punching a wall.

Female Aggression

Female aggression is often indirect or covert.

Though not limited to females, girls and women show hostility by sabotaging relationships, spreading rumors, backbiting, rolling their eyes, glaring and excluding others socially. According to Cheryl Dellasega, Ph.D., author and women's studies professor at The Pennsylvania State University, relational aggression employs "behaviors rather than fists."

Gender Patterns Start Early

Girls are more social from birth, and their aggression patterns remain more socially based throughout their lives. Since women are smaller than men, they developed non-physical expressions of aggression through the ages, while men relied more on brute strength to survive.

Testosterone and Aggression

Testosterone accounts for many sex differences in social behavior. Although testosterone does not necessarily cause aggression, the hormone increases in males---but not in females---when they are aggressive.

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